Chiropractic & Physiotherapy


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The Hamstring strain

The basics: You have four hamstring muscles: the semimembranosus and semitendinosus (medially) and the biceps femoris – short

Medial epicondylitis or golfer’s elbow as its more commonly known, is not a disorder reserved for those who enjoy a

Sit up straight!

Everyone has been nagged to sit up straight by a family member, now it’s our turn to say

Ankle sprains 101 – Q&A

What is an ankle sprain? An ankle sprain refers to stretching or tearing of the ligaments of the

The Trigger Point Massager

The Trigger Point Massage is a a lightweight, durable and multi-functional massage tool. It allows you to have full

Gym-in-the-Pocket – Resistance Bands – The most versatile of fitness accessories. Perfect for working out anywhere; at home or

Chiropractic & Sleep

If you have had problems sleeping recently, you may relate to several symptoms such as irritability, frustration, increased

Post-surgery Rehabilitation

Post-surgery rehabilitation is an important aspect for recovery. Unfortunately, it is often overlooked or missed out. Surgery can

Golf and Warming Up

I hear it all the time in clinic: “Dr. Sam, is this because I did not warm up before